
Thisguideistheuserguideforyoursoftwarerelease.Important:Forimportantinfoonthesafeuseofthephone,readtheProductandsafety.,ManageandscaleuptothousandsofLinuxandWindowsVMs...Reachyourcustomerseverywhere,onanydevice,withasinglemobileappbuild....Findapartner.,2023年7月19日—TheActivedocumentsarethecurrentlyapplicabledocumentsforthatproduct;Futuredocumentsaredeliveredtopartnerstoprovidethemwith ...,Pa...

Lumia with Windows Phone 8.1 Update User Guide

This guide is the user guide for your software release. Important: For important info on the safe use of the phone, read the Product and safety.

Microsoft Azure

Manage and scale up to thousands of Linux and Windows VMs ... Reach your customers everywhere, on any device, with a single mobile app build. ... Find a partner.

Microsoft Local Device Partner Resource Center

2023年7月19日 — The Active documents are the currently applicable documents for that product; Future documents are delivered to partners to provide them with ...

Partner Center documentation

Partner Center documentation. Partner Center makes it easier for Microsoft partners to manage their relationship with Microsoft and their customers.

Phone Link requirements and setup

The Phone Link experience starts on your Windows PC and the Phone Link . From your PC, you can connect to select Android, Samsung, HONOR, OPPO, and ASUS devices ...

Set up email on Windows Phone

Set up mail on a Windows 8.1 or earlier phone ... Open the App list on your phone or tablet and tap Settings. ... Choose your account type: ... Enter your full email ...

Supported devices for Phone Link experiences

A list of devices supported with Link to Windows and other features in the Phone Link app ... Microsoft Store Promise ... Documentation · Microsoft Learn ...

Sync Your Smartphone to Your Windows Computer

Sync your smartphone and Windows computer wirelessly using Microsoft Phone Link. Text, call, back up photos and more, no matter if you have an Android or an ...

Windows Phone

Windows Phone (WP) is a discontinued mobile operating system developed by Microsoft for smartphones as the replacement successor to Windows Mobile and Zune.

Windows Phone Partner Quote Sheet

... of Smartphones, including the new Samsung Intrepid. The Intrepid's global connectivity, combined with document editing, imaging and messaging capabilities ...

【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗

【開箱】HTC TITAN X310e。Windows Phone新體驗
